
Even though it’s obviously not a recent picture, it translates what I understood was a picture representative of myself: something true, precise and real. The image depicts well my joyful mood, my Latin American ethnicity, my love for cartoons… and as the image is real and there is nothing considerably misleading (unless the stove gives any false hints of pyromaniac tendencies), I believe the picture is very awesome.



It doesn’t have to be me ME, does it? I believe an interpretive picture can be more vague and doesn’t have to be completely true. It doesn’t have to be realistic either. So the picture here is of small paper cutouts that my boyfriend and I made of ourselves, it’s us seen though our own still innocent eyes, created through the means we most enjoy, and with the sole purpose of having a bit of fun.

a paper version of memo and me


Even though it’s obviously not a recent picture, it translates what I understood was a picture representative of myself: something true, precise and real. The image depicts well my joyful mood, my Latin American ethnicity, my love for cartoons… and as the image is real and there is nothing considerably misleading (unless the stove gives any false hints of pyromaniac tendencies), I believe the picture is very awesome.