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After browsing the Statistiques Canada for hours and finding 4 interesting and well documented themes (BIRTHS/FAMILY VIOLENCE/GRANDPARENTS/SPENDING HABITS) I decided to make my poster about Grandparents and Grandchildren in Canada (only because the documentation was better). The different factors are: sex, age, province, earnings, status.

1. Page of pictogram style and concepts

2. Pages of 20 different proposals (using 20 different writers)

Here are the 5 final images for the pictogram exercise.

The theme of the icon set was Famous Authors.

The ones that made it to the top 5 (for no particular reason) are:

Dickens, Borges, Merville, Christie and Beckett

Assignment 6 – Mental Map 2

Here’s my teammate’s Brent Burelle’s mental map (reworked by me).

And here are a few variations

Assignment 6 Mental Map

Assignment 4 Hierarchy


I just want to share what my fellow classmates (they all agreed to have their artwork posted here) did for the first project in painting class. I’m not sure about the names and last names of the guys but either next class I  get their names, either Shelley (the teacher) helps me out before that.

Anyway, enjoy!



Beautiful artwork I say.